GT-SWP (Global Transformation and Social Work Practice)
The aim of the 4 year program (2023 – 2026) is to build SDG-partnerships (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals) between countries of the "Global North" and the "Global South".
The content of the 4 year project focuses on questions of global transformation and its effects on social work actors. Central topics of this discourse are, among others:
Distribution of poverty and wealth in the countries of the Global North and South and consequences for societies.
Influence of colonial rule on the countries of the Global South Racism and forms of discrimination as a challenge for social work professionals.
Social work as a human rights profession and the contribution to solving global problems along the lines of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Ethnocentrism and Eurocentrism as a challenge for the countries of the Global South.
The chances of a return to "indigenous" knowledge for the countries of the Global South and the Global North.
Along this thematic classification of the program, numerous activities like exchange programs, symposiums and workshops are planned, among others:
Building a foundation for future strategic cooperation between the participating universities.
The program is a continuation of the IFBC cooperation between the universities – University of KwaZulu-Natal, University of Johannesburg and University of Applied Social Studies Dortmund (FHDO) – and is now going further with the Midland State University of Harare in Zimbabwe.